Criminal Law Cases on Principles Of Legality

Debrah v The Republic

Court: High Court of Ghana

Year: 1991

Principle(s): It is indeed a fundamental right of every individual that he shall not be punished for any offences which had not been clearly set out and the punishment thereon equally laid down.

Hassan v. The State

Court: Supreme Court

Year: 1962

Principle(s): A person shall not be punished for an offence under a repealed statute if the act happens after the repeal.

British Airways & Another v. Attorney-General

Court: Supreme Court

Year: 1997-98

Principle(s): When a law defining an offence is repealed (without a saving provision) during trial and before conviction, the trial ought to be discontinued as there would be no written law under which the accused could be punished; Meaning of principles of legality per Acquah JSC

Republic v. Konkomba

Court: High Court

Year: 1979

Principle(s): If evidence is obtained in an improper man, the courts will not admit such evidence from the prosecution. This is to protect the liberties of suspects and discourage improper investigative methods.