Law of Contract Cases by Subject Matter

Meaning of a contract and the general principles of the law of contract.

2 cases

When parties to a contract can be said to have reached an agreement. Reasonable man test

6 cases

Elements of a valid offer. Element of finality

3 cases

Generally, an advertisement is not an offer but merely an invitation to treat. It can, however, be a unilateral offer.

5 cases

The display of goods in a shop or on its shelves or by a business is not an offer to sell those goods but an invitation to the public to make offers to buy those goods.

2 cases

Circulating a brochure with goods and their associated prices is not an offer to sell those goods but an invitation to the public to make offers to buy those goods.

1 case

An offer can be terminated by a counter offer, revocation, lapse of time. Request for information is not a counter offer and does not terminate an offer

4 cases

Rules governing the revocation of an offer, communication on revocation etc.

5 cases

General rules on acceptance of an offer.

8 cases

Circumstances a person's conduct can be taken as acceptance of an offer. Silence and acceptance.

2 cases

Communication of acceptance must be done by the offeree himself or his agent; Silence of the offeree does not amount to acceptance.

6 cases

When an offer is accepted by post, the contract is formed as soon as the letter of acceptance is posted, regardless of whether the letter is later received by the offeror or not.

2 cases

Circumstances under which the postal rule will not apply and acceptance will not be deemed to have taken effect on posting the letter of acceptance.

1 case