This note intends to answer the following questions: What is international law (sometimes called the law of nations)? How different is public international law from private international law? And how different is international law from municipal (domestic) law? How different is (international) politics from international law, and how do they shape each other? And is international law law?
This note will discuss how international law manifests in the Ghanaian legal system. Towards this end, the note will discuss the recognition of international law under the Ghanaian legal system, the execution and ratification of treaties, the legal status of treaties post-ratification, and how international law interacts with domestic law.
Gives a brief overview of the four sources of international law
Explains treaties, its elements, how states become party to a treaty or ceases to be a party to a treaty, and the consequences of being party to a treaty
This note discusses the concept of state responsibility in international law
Discusses the sources of international law, advantages of treaties over other sources of international law, amongst others.
This chapter will assess the use of force in international law. Amongst others, it will discus the general prohibition of the use of force in article 2(4) of the U.N Charter, the exceptions to the prohibition in article 51 and article 24 of the U.N charter. It will further explore topics such as the use of force in international history, pre-emptory self-defence, the doctrines of necessity and proportionality in self-defence, nuclear weapons, non-state actors amongst others.